A quick update regarding the nationals for this year.
Nationals will be going ahead – we understand circumstances have prohibited this in the previous seasons but now we are on the other side of these hurdles – unfortunately these conditions have given rise to a new impediment- permit process has become a lot more involved and drawn out
The AJSBA committee have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the extra leg work is met so we can bring you this event
Contingency measure are in place, this being said tentative dates and location for nationals as are follows
24-26 March – Lake Macquarie NSW
24-26 March – chipping Norton
(Application not successful)
31st March – 2nd April Glenmaggie VIC
The AJSBA do understand this puts our members in a predicament in regards to accommodation and travel arrangements however please bear with us while we endeavour to bring you a nationals event
Applications are still being processed by the relative local authorities and as soon as we know any further information we will let you know immediatdely
Happy Racing
AJSBA Committee