The Australian Jet Sports Boating Association (AJSBA) offers a number of membership and licencing options for competitors as well as personal watercraft (PWC) enthusiasts. All participants in AJSBA-sanctioned events must be covered by the appropriate licence type.
Information regarding our licencing structure, rider classifications and Code of Conduct can be viewed on our membership application form: 2020 Membership Form.
It is important for all members to be fully informed regarding the terms and conditions of our insurance coverage, this information is available here: AJSBA Insurance Participation Terms and Conditions.
Associate Membership: for PWC enthusiasts not involved in AJSBA-sanctioned events but who wish to be kept informed regarding the sport and who wish to hold a vote in AJSBA Annual General Meetings. The more members we have the better we can represent PWC users across the country.
Recreational Membership: for members who participate in social events only.
Junior Licence Non-Competitive: for Juniors (under 16) to access training and development programs.
Competition Memberships:
1. Restricted Competition Licence: covers time trials, drags, hot laps, novelty events and training.
2. Freestyle Competition Licence: applicable to those who compete in freestyle events.
3. Competition Licence: covers closed-course racing, ocean racing and endurance racing.
4. Junior Lites and Junior Elite Licence: licences made available to junior competitors (under 16) via the ajsba’s junior racing policies and procedures.
Click Below To Join
Join Now!Any questions about Membership?
email info@ajsba.org.au for more information
AJSBA Public Liability Insurance cover is provided by SPT Insurance.
This is not a comprehensive insurance cover and the AJSBA strongly recommends additional insurance be taken out to provide individual comprehensive cover. SPT are one such provider.
AJSBA Liability Cover
ACN 077 797 034 Suite 4, 18 Gibbs Street Miranda NSW 2228
PO Box 500 Miranda NSW 1490. Telephone: (02) 9525 9311
E: info@sptinsurance.com.au – Web: www.sptinsurance.com.au
A BRIEF DESCRIPTION: An Insurance fee is collected by the AJSBA for each event that you enter. This insurance is to protect you, your club and the AJSBA for the following:
» Scope of Cover:
In the event that you, your club or the AJSBA is found liable for injury to members of the public or damage to their property, the policy will cover up to $20,000,000 of liabilities, subject to policy terms and conditions.
Cover applies to all AJSBA sanctioned events, activities & meetings.
» Important Notes
Cover Subject to Policy Wording
The above is a brief summary of cover provided. Copies of the policy wording, terms and conditions are retained by the AJSBA or available from Salisbury Payne Tinslay.
Participation Exclusion
Liability incurred between Riders, i.e. Rider to Rider Liability, is not covered under the AJSBA’s Public Liability policy. This includes both personal injury and damage to craft.
To obtain cover for your liability for injury to other riders, damage to their PWC and/or property you must acquire Personal Water Craft Insurance with Racing Risks Extension. For further information, contact Austbrokers SPT on Phone: (02) 9525 9311.
Insuring your PWC for Racing*
Your Liabilities and damage to your craft can be covered by insuring with Austbrokers SPT. You will need to request Racing Risks extension. Your PWC will also be covered 24 hours daily for theft, other damage and liabilities (subject to policy terms and conditions).
Social Events:
Cover is provided through the Scheme for Racing and other activities, including Social Events where the Social Event is sanctioned with the AJSBA. Your local club can confirm that such events are recorded with the AJSBA
This information is a very brief description of the cover and is in no way attempting to offer any more than a general explanation of the AJSBA Liability insurance cover. For more information, refer to AJSBA where a copy of Policy Wordings is held. Alternatively, you can contact Salisbury Payne Tinslay on the number noted above.
*When considering placing cover with Austbrokers SPT, please read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for important notices and full details of cover. This is available from the office of Salisbury Payne Tinslay (SPT) or on the website www.sptinsurance.com.au