The following are the classes that we plan to run. Please make sure that your current AJSBA License Matches the class you plan to race in. As everyone is aware from the email that AJSBA sent out there has been some updates and clarification to the license classes.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us
N/A Pro/Am (Beginners In Vests)
Stock Runabout Pro/Am (Beginners In Vests)
Limited Runabout Pro/Exp
GP Runabout Pro
Rec Lites Runabout (Beginners In Vests)
N/A Runabout (Beginners In Vests)
Stock Runabout Pro/Am (Beginners In Vest)
Limited Runabout Pro/Exp
GP Runabout Pro
Junior Ski
Lites Ski Pro/Am
Vet Lites Ski Pro/Am
1500 Stock Ski
Pro/Am GP Ski Pro